Rabu, 22 November 2017

Best Friend

Best Friend

              Hey guys, how are you guys today? if good, surely you guys again have fun with your best friends. Everyone in this world must have a best friend or a good friend who is always there anytime and anywhere for us.

             I also want to tell you about my best friend, Rudi Setiawan, our first meeting at the 3 rd grade of Good Shepherd High School. Our age is 1 year, he was born on August 22, 1998 and I was born on August 18, 1999.
At that time we entered in a 35 member organization called NMSC Group. That caused me to be friends with Rudi because of the adjacent house factor and since I often went out on a motorcycle, he often asked me to ride him. Over time until we graduated from Junior High School, we entered different Senior High School, he was in SMA Gembala Baik while I was in SMK Santa Monika. But with different schools, our relationship never breaks and at night we always gather together every day in the same place.
Year after year we went through and our relationship never changed until finally we graduated from High School to High. And after graduation we were traveling together for 3 days 3 nights using the motor to the Waterfall Riam Banangar. Until the time we apply for work together. Up to now we started working in our respective workplaces and had their own busy work but our relationship never changed and we still remain in the 5-year-old NMSC Group.

Selasa, 24 Oktober 2017

My Future Plan

              Hallo guys, my name is Riky Agus Toni im lecture in Tanjungpura University.  I have many planning for my future and i choose study in Tanjungpura University because this is a favorite campus and the best campus in west borneo and i choose night class so that i can work in the morning. And than now im work as salesman in PT.PAPA TEKNIK AGUNG at Juanda Street. In the morning i go to work at 08.00am after work i come home at 17.00pm. When im get home i take a bath and im eating and after that i go to campus until 21.00pm. Everyday i do that because i want to be a succesfull person to make my family and my parents happy and my parents in law. I have a goal to open own business by working with other companies so that i can raise capital to start my own business i still working with other companies because to be my regular income. So i have graduation target from Tanjungpura University with a maximum period of 4 years so that what i want can be quickly achieved. And my next target at the age 24 years already have their own business and have their own home. And by the time i was 25 y,o i will  married with my girlfriend.

Jumat, 29 September 2017

Say It With Picture

Say it with picture

And here are 4 photos that place is very beautiful and still beautiful. And this photo I got started from downtown Pontianak until the end of Pontianak City precisely adjacent to the border between West Kalimantan and Malaysia.

Pontianak City Center

This city built by Syarif Abdurrahman Alkadrie on 23 October 1771 it is named Pontianak derived from Malay which is believed to have something to do with the story of Sharif Abdurrahman Alkadrie who is often harassed by ghost kuntilanak while walking along the Kapuas River. The city is known as the city of Equator because passed by the Equator line, next to the northern city of Potianak there is Equator Monument built exactly on the place through which the Equator line. The city has an area of ​​107.82 square kilometers. And this is a picture of the scenery of Jalan Gajah Mada which is right in the city of Pontianak. This beautiful photo I took from Sky Garden Restaurant which is above Star Hotel. The night view of Pontianak City will be more beautiful on New Year's Day and at Lunar New Year as Pontianak city skyline will be filled with thousands of fireworks exploding above.

Kota yang dibangun oleh Syarif Abdurrahman Alkadrie pada tanggal 23 Oktober 1771 ini diberi nama Pontianak yang berasal dari Bahasa Melayu yang dipercaya ada kaitannya dengan kisah  Syarif Abdurrahman Alkadrie yang sering diganggu hantu kuntilanak pada saat menyusuri Sungai Kapuas. Kota ini dikenal sebagai kota Khatulistiwa karena dilalui garis Khatulistiwa, disebelah Utara kota Potianak terdapat Tugu Khatulistiwa yang dibangun tepat pada tempat yang dilalui garis Khatulistiwa. Kota ini memiliki luas wilayah 107,82 kilometer persegi. Dan ini adalah foto pemandangan Jalan Gajah Mada yang berada tepat di Kota Pontianak. Foto indah ini saya ambil dari Restoran Sky Garden yang berada diatas Hotel Star.  Pemandangan malam Kota Pontianak akan lebih indah pada Tahun Baru dan pada saat Imlek karena langit - langit Kota Pontianak akan dipenuhi dengan ribuan kembang api yang meledak di atas.

Jamur Hill

Bukit Jamur located in West Kalimantan, precisely in Bengkayang Regency. Bukit Jamur is one of the tourism in West Kalimantan which reaches 500 meters above sea level. To reach the top of this hill takes 2 to 3 hours to climb, as long as your climb will be presented with a very beautiful scenery. Locals call this hill with the nickname Bukit Batu because there are many blocks of stone on this hill. The Mushroom Hill has a beauty that resembles the Mahameru. And the main purpose of many who climb this mushroom Hill is to enjoy the sunrise view and clumps - clumps of clouds that are at the foot of the mountain, this place is highly recommended for those who have a hobby to explore and enjoy nature is still beautiful and for people who have a hobby photographed or photographer . The temperature at Bukit Jamur will be very cold at night so do not forget to bring a thick jacket and light a bonfire to warm your body.

Bukit Jamur yang berada di Kalimantan Barat, tepatnya di Kabupaten Bengkayang. Bukit Jamur merupakan salah satu wisata di Kalimantan Barat yang tingginya mencapai 500 meter diatas permukaan laut. Untuk mencapai puncak bukit ini membutuhkan waktu 2 sampai 3 jam mendaki, selama mendaki anda akan disuguhkan pemandangan yang sangat indah.Penduduk setempat menyebut bukit ini dengan julukan Bukit Batu karena terdapat banyak bongkahan batu di bukit ini. Bukit Jamur mempunyai keindahan yang menyerupai dengan Mahameru. Dan tujuan utama banyak yang mendaki Bukit Jamur ini adalah untuk menikmati pemandangan matahri terbit dan gumpalan - gumpalan awan yang berada di kaki gunung, tempat ini sangat direkomendasikan untuk yang mempunyai hobi menjelajah dan menikmati alam yang masih asri serta untuk orang yang mempunyai hobi berfoto atau fotografer. Suhu di Bukit Jamur akan terasa sangat dingin pada malam hari jadi jangan lupa untuk membawa jaket tebal dan menyalakan api unggun untuk menghangatkan badan anda.  

Riam Banangar

Riam Banangar is located in West Kalimantan Province, Landak District, Serimbu District. The location of this tourist spot is very far from the city of Pontianak and traveled 245km. In addition, the route to Riam Banangar is very uncomfortable aka damaged road and Riam Banagar is located in remote Ngabang City, Landak District. Because it was what made a few tourists who approached him. Riam Banangar Waterfall or often called Riam Breaking, Riam Manangar and Riam Menangar has a height of 60 meters and a width of 60 meters and is very beautiful to look at. Before you get to this Riam, you have to pass a road that is still yellow ground along 2 km and if you are less fortunate and hit by rain then your vehicle will hassles through it and you have to climb a hill that has kemiringian approximately 40 degrees. For those of you who want to visit Riam Banangar I suggest to use the ready and tough vehicles in all fields if not then get ready your vehicle will be problematic. And I suggest bring enough food because near Riam Banngar there are no settlements, stalls or supermarkets.

Riam Banangar terletak di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat,Kabupaten Landak, Kecamatan Serimbu. Letak tempat wisata ini memang sangat jauh dari Kota Pontianak dan menempuh jarak 245km. Selain jauh, rute menuju Riam Banangar sangatlah tidak nyaman alias jalan rusak dan Riam Banagar ini terletak di pelosok Kota Ngabang, Kabupaten Landak. Karna hal tadi lah yang membuat sedikit wisatawan yang menghampirinya. Air Terjun Riam Banangar atau sering disebut juga Riam Melanggar, Riam Manangar dan Riam Menangar ini mempunyai ketinggian 60 meter dan lebar 60 meter dan sangatlah indah untuk dipandang. Sebelum anda sampai ke Riam ini, anda harus melewati jalan yang masih tanah kuning sepanjang 2 km dan jika anda kurang beruntung dan terkena hujan maka kendaraan anda akan kerepotan melaluinya dan anda harus menaiki bukit yang mempunyai kemiringian kira kira 40 derajat.Bagi anda yang ingin mengunjungi Riam Banangar ini saya sarankan untuk mengunakan kendaran yang siap dan tangguh di segala medan jika tidak maka siap-siaplah kendaraan anda akan bermasalah. Dan saya sarankan membawa makanan yang cukup karena di dekat Riam Banngar tidak ada pemukiman, warung maupun supermarket.

Riam Tikalong

Previously sorry if there is a handsome man figure in this picture and if you are interested you can follow instagramnya @riky_at and definitely follow behind. This photo is a photo of Riam Tikalong located in Karangan Village, Kecamatan Mempawah Hulu. Landak District, West Kalimantan Province. From Pontianak City takes 3.5 hours to arrive in Riam Tikalong this. This water has a very clear water and clean. And the water under Riam is not deep so it is safe for children or people who are not good at swimming. Tikalong's water flow is so swift that you can stand under the water and enjoy the thrill of water falling profusely on your head and shoulders.

Sebelumnya maaf jika ada sesosok pria tampan di gambar ini dan jika anda tertarik anda dapat mengikuti instagramnya @riky_at dan pasti di ikuti balik. Foto ini adalah foto Riam Tikalong yang terletak di Desa Karangan, Kecamatan Mempawah Hulu. Kabupaten Landak, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Dari Kota Pontianak membutuhkan waktu 3,5 jam untuk sampai di Riam Tikalong ini. Riam ini mempunyai air yang sangat jernih dan bersih. Dan air dibawah Riam ini tidak dalam sehingga aman untuk anak-anak ataupun orang yang belum pandai berenang. Aliran air Riam Tikalong ini sangat deras sehingga anda dapat berdiri di bawah aliran air dan menikmati sensasi air yang jatuh dengan deras mengenai kepala dan pundak anda. 

-Thank You-

Jumat, 15 September 2017

About MySelf

           Hallo everyone, my name is Riky Agus Toni im 18 years old i was born in West Kalimantan on the 18th of August 1999. i am the first child of 3 brothers. my second brother named hengky and my third brother named yongky.

      My first school I was a TK Swasta Suster Pontianak then boarded to SD Swasta Suster Pontianak, SMP Gembala Baik Pontianak and the last one in SMK Santa Monika Pontianak majoring in marketing . I graduated in 2017. I had an apprenticeship at Matahari Department Store Jendral Urip street Pontianak.
      I live in Sungai Raya Dalam street Complex Family Indah Number 17. My hobby is swimming, jogging, playing table tennis, cycling and nature tour. I have a defect in my left cylinder and my right eye is minus so making me have to wear glasses while studying or driving a vehicle.

     Now im a student in Tanjungpura University majoring Ilmu Ekonomi Studi Pembangunan semester one.   I choose Tanjungpura University because this is one of the best in West Kalimantan. And why im choose majoring Ilmu Ekonomi Studi Pembangunan because I want to be a leader of the company or open business. I hope after I graduate from Tanjungpura University🎓, I want to be someone who is beneficial to many people as well as myself and become a businessman at a young age.